Exploring Meaningful Learning in Primary School Teachers, District 13D07, Manabí Province

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Álvaro Cañadas
Gina Elizabeth Álvarez Zambrano


The new technologies production and generation is growing inexorably, in an environment of constant economic change, and is the hallmark of the 21st century. Thus, education plays a fundamental role in the success of the individual and society. Thus, the aim of the present research was to investigate the knowledge of basic general education teachers in relation to meaningful learning in District 13D07, Manabi province. Seventy-six teachers were randomly surveyed with a sampling error of 5%. Principal component analysis methodologies were applied. Six components explained 85.7% of the variability of the matrix analysed. The six components identified were: active methodology; factors affecting learning, training in meaningful learning, oral and written reflection, analysis and synthesis of readings, case study as an effective and reflective potential for teaching, teachers' reluctance to change. The clustering is the basis for accepting the alternative hypothesis. There is no homogeneity and clarity about meaningful learning as claimed by the Ecuadorian Ministry of Education. The results are not in line with the demands of current education, which calls for development-based learning, using knowledge to solve real-world problems. Collaborating with productive communities, leading to equitable practices. All of this results in the achievement of opportunities, which contribute to fairer societies for learners.


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How to Cite
Cañadas, Álvaro, & Álvarez Zambrano, G. E. (2024). Exploring Meaningful Learning in Primary School Teachers, District 13D07, Manabí Province. Revista Ecos De La Academia, 10(19), e965. https://doi.org/10.53358/ecosacademia.v10i19.965
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